My favorite futuristic shows and movies

- Here is a list in no particular order of some shows and movies related to topics like robots, cyborgs, future technology, cyberpunk etc. that I enjoyed. -

Gunm: Battle Angel Alita

In a post-apocalyptic future, Alita, a female cyborg who is found in a junkyard by a cybernetics doctor, tries to rediscover her forgotten past.

Alita is my absolute godess, to me she is the og cyborg princess (together with Motoko from Ghost in the Shell). The story is SO GOOD, the romance is everything, the animation is crazy!! But I must warn you, this show is pretty bloody and gore. The author was so intense on this show and focused so much on every little detail that he was never able to finish it before his sudden death.

I know there are different remakes (comics, movies) but to me the anime and the original manga stay unmatched. The attention to detail and the designs are exquisite, to me the live-action/CGI movie looks trash compared to them...

I found the first episode on YouTube for those who'd like to watch it! 


Accel World


Haru escapes the torment of his school life by playing squash on his school's local network. One day he finds his score beaten by Kruyuki hime, who introduces him to Brain Burst, a secret program to accelerate the human cognitive process to the point where time appears to stop.

To be fair I watched this a while ago so my opinion on it might differ once I rewatch it, but I really liked the concept of this series. If I'm not mistaken, it's from the same universe (and author) as Sword Art Online, but this show hooked me more than SAO. The designs and storyline are fun and captivating, too bad the main character is in a harem (I hate it here). I also love love love the first opening of this show.


Future Boy Conan


Twenty years after a terrible war destroyed civilization, a boy named Conan and his new friend Lana set out to stop shadowy operatives from gaining control of what's left of the world.

I grew up watching this show! It's much less 'futuristic' than the other shows in this list, but I like Miyazaki's take on what the future would look like if we completely neglect nature and the principles of living in a community. It's kind of like an informative show for kids on what capitalism does to humanity and the planet. But I think adults can enjoy this show just as much. The characters are also really endearing (but for some reason I have a vague memory of Jimsy annoying me lol).


Last Exile


Two air couriers find themselves caught in a conflict against The Guild, an organisation with absolute authority over the skies.

The art in this show is crazyyyyyyy I'm absolutely obsessed with it especially with the two characters Luciola and Dio... But again I have very little memory of what happens in this show... sorry oops!


Oban Star Racers


An intergalactic racing competition determines the fate of the universe. 

The character and ship designs in this show are so fun and original! I never finished it but it's a cozy show to watch in the morning, like a comfort cartoon. This show also heavily influenced my own art style for a while (big eyes, no nose). I also remember reading a comic book in which the main character also watched this show!

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

A street kid tries to survive in a technology and body modification-obsessed city of the future. With everything to lose, he chooses to stay alive by becoming an edgerunner: a mercenary outlaw, also known as a cyberpunk.

Another! Banger! Oww this show gave me butterflies,, the animation, the characters, the story, the character development! I really loved this one (expect for the last episode ......) but apparently the game wasn't as good? Anyhow, even if cyborgs aren't your thing, you should definitely give this show a shot!


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