The movie I couldn't find for years...

You know how sometimes you remember a movie you watched years ago but you can't seem to find the title anywhere?

I remembered this movie for the first time on a random week night. After that I kept thinking of it at random moments and spent hours on reddit and other blogs trying to find it. The only memory I had of it was that the main character was blonde and the son of a viking, that there was a ship and a smaller boat that brought the MC to a dark cave in which was a very angry black wolf, chained up. I looked everywhere but no one seemed to remember the movie. Google didn't help either so I tried using an AI but it got me no results. I went through all my father's DVDs and figured out he probably rented it at a videoclub back then. 

This search went on and on every time the memory of the movie came back, then I would give up after a few hours and forget about it again. But one day, I finally found someone who was also searching for it! The funny part was that the OP also only remembered the specific part of the movie I mentioned before. But no one could help, and the post was also 3 years old at that point.

One night I decided to look for it until I found it. I searched for hours on end and I don't remember how I did it anymore but I found it! After almost 2 years of searching through the internet, I found the full movie on YouTube. It was so ugly it hurt my eyes but I was still satisfied. The animation looked like it was only made in After Effects, the voices were horrible and the dialogues cringe!! I only watched the scene with the wolf to satisfy my curiosity and closed the window right after.

Leif Erickson, Discoverer of North America (2000) - IMDb (link to the movie trailer)


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